Rachel (nice lady who cooks wonderful goodies) mentioned she'd like to see a pic of the spongy type bread, and she also was asking about spongecake.
I will, of course, answer the second question first, and the first question second. Just because I can.
Spongecake: I keep forgetting that I've been in Oz for 9 years now. Many of my spellings have become UK standard instead of US standard and I'll be darned if I can figure out which is which nowadays. I also am forgetting whether a term I'm using is an aussie term or something from Alaska.
Hence, spongecake. Think of a cake you've made that has the texture of a sponge. Not soft like an angelfood cake, but has that same texture. Here, maybe this picture will help,
Notice how thin I'm able to slice the bread even though it has a very "airy" texture. This is what you get if you let the bread from the previous post rise for 4 or 5 hours during it's second rise after the punch down. Make sure that you divide the dough into two buttered bread pans, otherwise it'll do a blob-dripping-down-the-side routine.
Reminder, here's what you'll get if you follow last post:
Excellent toasting and sandwich making bread
And this is the airy, spongelike bread you get by dividing in two and letting the second rise go for 5 hours:
Obviously, this spongy bread isn't good for toasting. I tried just to make sure, but it don't toast well. However, it makes the most awesome bread for soup dunkers! It's also great just buttered and eaten. It's not too good for sandwiches; the reasons should be obvious.
But if you want a slice of plain buttered bread or something to dunk in soup, this "takes the cake" if you know what I mean.
Up next: cider fadge! And then how to make great feta cheese!
This would be great with some olive tapenade;)
Oooooo! Good idea! And with some of my creamy feta.
That sounds delish. I still haven't made that tapenade yet, darn it!
Rachel: you really should! I think I remember you saying you've got all the ingredients anyways. It only takes a few minutes in the blender.
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